What You Need to Know About Virgin Hair

Virgin Hair

Information about virgin hair you should know about

It is hair that is still unprocessed and intact. In order for it to qualify as virgin hair, it has to meet certain standards that include no perming, dyeing, coloring, bleaching, and chemical application. This implies that the hair comes from only one source and all cuticles are still intact, going towards the same direction. Normally, this means hair did not go through blow drying or encounter any harsh elements like cigarette smoke and drugs.

Virgin hair is also used for hair extensions and since it has not gone through any process yet, they are softer and smoother as far as it is well known.

Grade 7A Virgin Hair
This type of virgin hair gives the best results if used for hair extensions, hair styling products, and wigs since it does come from humans. Since it has not been damaged by chemicals, there is more durability and versatility.

Virgin Hair pictures
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Harvesting process
When getting virgin hair, it takes time and meticulous, which is why it costs more. Virgin hair could be sourced from any country and person, but the popular ones are Malaysian virgin hair and Indian virgin hair. Russian virgin hair is also good, as well as from other European and Asian countries.

Benefits of virgin hair
• More styling options – When hair has gone through chemical treatment like dying or others, styling it becomes more challenging. For instance, it may not easily accept new hair color, or the color may be a little inaccurate. Additionally, the stylist will have a harder time curling or straighten it, and even styling it according to how you want. In general, virgin hair gives better results because it can easily be managed.

• No chemicals – Wearing virgin hair is the dream of any stylish without having to give any chemicals for the sake of treatment, detangling or coloring. This type of hair is very natural and anything can be done to suit the client’s look. Stylists love to use these since it is simpler to dye it so it matches their natural hair, which opens for more possibilities of a makeover.

• Practicality – Virgin hair offers practical benefits like if you order it from online, it can be hard to gauge the product’s quality. There is no way of knowing if the texture and sheen of the hair are something you want. If you choose virgin hair, there is always an assurance that you are going to get the best quality when you only buy it from credible suppliers.

• Virgin hair extensions are going to blend well with your own hair and if they are worn in the same shade as your own hair, people are not going to see the difference – this is just awesome for you.

• They are rare – Most of the collected virgin hair is for creating hair extensions and other products are mainly donated. Although it might represent the region where it came from, the texture it has might be hard to match for a lot of users. The material’s texture heavily differs from the virgin hair since the chemicals might have been applied to it before being donated. Virgin hair has never gone through chemical treatments and keeps a lot of natural oils. The rarity of virgin hair is also an advantage because finding hair from any part of the world that has never been treated is hard. Finding and collecting it is very difficult because countries, religions or nationalities that do not like unnatural hair treatments do not like to donate their hair. See more about Virgin Hair product: Dream Wheat Hair

Finding the perfect source is rare and that is why it is more expensive to buy. Putting hair extensions is only done by hand to ensure that none of the hair strands will become damaged while being processed into hair products.

• You will look stylish – Since they can be styled in any way, customers can choose whatever style they want and look fabulous. A lot of people still go for hair extensions even if it can be a bit expensive because of how it makes them look and feel.
These are the most important facts you need to know about virgin hair and why you should try it out for a better look.

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15 Lovely Comments:

  1. Interessante, non lo sapevo!
    Kisses, Paola.

  2. Very informational. I often wondered about the meaning of the grade 7. Thanks for breaking this down.


  3. Si, credo che capello cosi, virgin hair, eh meglio per "indossare", perche eh naturale, senza prodotti, e sembra naturale, come si fosse della persona! Ti auguro una bella giornata!

  4. Very interesting post. Thanx for sharing

  5. I never knew about any of this before, thanks!
    Have a lovely weekend :)
    Rosanna x
    Rose's Rooftop

  6. Molto interessante, non lo sapevo

  7. Thanks for the interesting information!
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  8. Ciao Martina buon weekend.


  9. you look great :)

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  10. Useful info! And these days gotta be careful because many online sellers claim to be selling virgin hair but when you receive it its not quite the 'virgin' quality. Thanks for sharing.

    Have a super productive week ahead! X


  11. Great post, it will help lots of girls who didn't know i.
    A sweet kiss
    Sara M.

  12. Great post sharing my blog https://www.beautyinhair.com


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